
From ideation and pitching to the execution, the Sense of Sync team created a global campaign in its entirety. We based the concept on an post-apocalyptic earth, where the characters are living in such a way that the earth is barren and desolate due to pollution and a lack of care for sustainability. The characters find the “relics”, which are the Palladium shoes, buried across the land, where they use their technology to explore the sustainable properties of the shoe.


*SOS Engine production* Director/ Concept/ Creative Director, Photography- Nas Abraham / Styling- Claudia Biele / DOP- Gergana Popova / Editor- Pietro Biasia / Assistant- Arron Watson Mcnab, Retouching- LSB Studios, 3D Design/ Animation- Dami Olamideji, MUA- Grace Sinnott

out of home campaign

*SOS Engine production* Director/ Concept/ Creative Director, Photography- Nas Abraham / Styling- Claudia Biele / DOP- Gergana Popova / Editor- Pietro Biasia / Assistant- Arron Watson Mcnab, Retouching- LSB Studios, 3D Design/ Animation- Dami Olamideji, MUA- Grace Sinnott, Colour grading and Assist. Director- Héléna Miléna

techniques used

Pitch, Concept, Narrative, Pre-production, production, post production, CGI, Photography, videography, edit, retouching, sound design

techniques used

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